Model: VISION 110 FX Tour Premium
Length: 4.35"
Weight: 1/2 oz
Type: Suspending, Flap-Bill
Depth Range: 4 - 6 ft
The ONETEN FX is the new suspending, tournament-spec model of the immensely popular and incredibly successful VISION ONETEN.
Top: Original Vision 110. Below: Vision 110 FX Flap-Bill
Featuring a Megabass original Variable Resistance Flap-Bill, the lip tucks into the body during casts, and opens when the lure hits the water. This revolutionary feature makes the ONETEN FX cast farther, more accurately, and move more erratically than its predecessor.
Casting position: Lip moves up to minimize air resistance to cast longer distance. Swimming position: Lip flaps back and forth which creates darting actions.
In fact, preliminary field-testing has demonstrated a 10% - 20% increase in casting distance over the original ONETEN. But distance isn't the only improvement; since the VARIABLE RESISTANCE FLAP-BILL moves on a pivot, the bill-angle varies with the amount of water pressure, allowing for unique action. This means that with a hard, “jerk, jerk, jerk” retrieve, the VISION ONETEN FX will exhibit truly erratic action, mimicking the flat-out panic of a baitfish in distress.
The FLAP-BILL will also breathe new life into the subtle rod movements often required in tough pre-spawn situations, transforming each delicate twitch into distinctive, game-changing action.
These dynamic three-dimensional movements will make past jerk baits seem obsolete. When pinpoint accuracy and extra casting distance mean the difference between cashing a check and watching from the shoreline, the ONETEN FX TOUR PREMIUM is the new go-to. The jerkbait has evolved.
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